For any questions contact David Dent.

On Sunday mornings we offer provision for 0-4s. All our leaders are been DBS checked and participate in safeguarding training seminars. The purpose of creche is to make sure children are happy and safe, so that their parents and carers are able to enjoy worship. In Creche we sing Christian songs and in Sparklers there is a time for Bible story each week.

Creche and Sparklers registration:
Please sign your child into creche when you arrive before worship begins at the welcome desk. Your child will be given a name sticker and you will be given a number for our alert system. The groups start after the children’s talk, about 10 minutes into the service at which point you may bring your child directly to the room. At the end of the service, please come to collect your child promptly!
Creche and Sparklers alert system:
To minimise disruption, each child is allocated a number when they are registered, and if they are unsettled or need a parent/carer for a nappy change or to be taken to the toilet, the number of the child will be displayed on the overhead screen during the service. If this happens, please come to the appropriate room swiftly.